A turning point in the Israel-Iran conflict
We have been closely following developments in the Middle East over recent months, especially since October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched an attack on Israel. The situation became more and more tense over time, and finally it got almost out of control when on April 1 this year. Israeli aerial bombardment is believed to have killed 3 generals and 4 officers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who died in the attack. The Iranian side decided that retaliation was necessary because the area of diplomatic missions and consulates is traditionally treated as the territory of a given country, and it was this building that the air force targeted and razed to the ground.
Below we present a series of interviews with Luke Przybyszewski, president of AFF, and articles he wrote. Iran is Luke Przybyszewski’s main area of expertise.
This is just the beginning? Experts explain why Iran attacked
“The hyenas attacked the elephant.” Iran wants to defeat Israel psychologically
Defense Portal:
If Iran feels the knife at its throat, it will conduct a nuclear test detonation on its territory
Expert: Iran is waiting for Israel to self-destruct and for the world to turn against it
Polish Radio 24:
Israel is preparing to retaliate. “It will probably be as showy as the Iranian one.”
Tomasz Rydelek, a member of AFF, also effectively described and presented the situation in the region for readers and viewers.
Photo: Engin Akyurt Pixabay